Wednesday, September 22, 2010

nothings new in the hood

Hey all.

It's about 2:30 in the arvo right about now, woke up about an hour ago. And I have been feeling shitty since, all dull and groggy as. So I had my usual fix of mountain dew and it automatically made me feel better. what. the. fuck. I'm pretty sure that's a sign of addiction, fuck me.

Crap, I've got school! I'm heading there in 2 hours or so, take into consideration that I'm 2 days late from my eid break and I'm already on 2 strikes for umm...other reasons, then you may start to comprehend my nervousness :/
I'm trying to prepare myself mentally. Chin up, don't give a fuck, you've only got 3 more months here, don't let them get to you Ahmed! Forget everyone, keep to yourself and everything shall be cool. Ignore anyone you don't like instead of antagonizing like you always do. get it? got it? good.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Good morning party people.

Ah what a beautiful day! Or maybe it's just the house music making me so damn cheesy.

Weeeeeeeeeeeell I've been up all night watching The Ugly Truth and about half of Season 7 of scrubs...again..while sipping on some good ol' Mountain Dew.. roughly 2.5 litres and I'm telling you, right now I'm about as loopy as a techno beat (har har).

Hah! My mother called last night, apparently she ain't coming back to Yemen! Oh the joy, well the reason is that my father is unable to work for some reason so SHE'LL work and he'll come here instead, hence he shall judge whether I am deemed "changed" so I can go back to Aus asap and take the rest of the kids back in December/January.
Pros: Well just pro really... I consider my father an easy man, easy as in easy to manipulate, I'm not saying I'm his favourite child (the opposite actually, and yes, he's told me that many, many times), lets just say I can make him think or do anything I want, I can be VERY devious and quite the schemer sometimes :) It should be easy to pull the wool over his eyes as to how much I've benefited of my time in Yemen. Oh wow, perfect timing! My father is having a go at me on msn, check it:

Mohamed A: So when do you want to head back?
Me: my visa expires dec 31
Mohamed A:
 so what do u want me do
Ahmed M:
 its up to you
Mohamed A:
 you've learnt nothing so far
 you wasted one year for nothing
Ahmed M:
 It was ok for me, I feel like I've changed, so I think that's the main thing
 wouldn't you want a morally and religiously sound person, a donkey carrying books is still a donkey
Mohamed A:
(here he goes, that's what i want, makes random mean comment comparing me to a close friend of mine which I shall not share, sorry mate, I love you even if my dad doesn't)

Case and point.

Cons: My mother will not be coming to Yemen :( Total bummer, I'm pretty sure I've already mentioned this already but I hardly see my mum anymore hey, since 2007, I've been with her a total of 6 months across 3 diffrent ocassions, once in Perth and twice in Yemen. But if it means she keeps her two youngest kids with her, it does kinda make me feel a bit better. Second con, my father will be here....yay! (heavy sarcasm), me and my father...let's just say we don't get along very well. Leave it at that.

I'm kinda in the mood for some lyrical maniacy, drop a wicked beat DJ!

*wicked beat*

har har, going off calling people unattractive isn't very nice of you
I prefer the term aesthetically pleasing, mayn you know how I do
It takes much more than that to bum me out mon imbecile fou
Sooner or later I'll get you back, I always knew
this shit will hit you like jamais vu
Hah, I just dissed your ass in french
how about we mix it up with some german you dumb ass wench
Niemand mag, wer immer du bist
Yeah, I can see you back there slitting your wrist
maybe you should think about if before you get your ass dissed


eddy out.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

There's acid in the air

I've been crushed some whore friend of my mothers, what a bitch! Not to underplay this but she may in fact be the anti-Christ / Dajaal.

Well she calls us last night telling us that another friend of my mum from Perth is coming over tommorow so make her lunch and such...yeah no problem. She shows up the next day alone, some bullshit about the lady being at a wedding -.- I fucking helped prepare a fucking FEAST, grilled chicken, rice, pasta, roasted potatos, roast beef, salad, a fucking cake. Just that alone would drive anyone insane...but thats not the thing. Although I had an awesome lunch :3

After lunch she tells me that she talked to my mum, that she's taking me to the ticket office noon the next day and that I'm leaving in 2 weeks or so...well you can imagine how excited that made me. She was so damn convincing, and I didn't have any credit to call my mum back in Aus. She was like "I swear you're going back! By next month, you'll be back in Australia. And the girls are telling me in the other room telling me shes fucking ape shit, shoulda listened to them :(

My auntie calls up my mum an hour later for the 411, turns out that the Perth lady that was supposed to come is 8 hours away in another city and that the whole leaving in 2 weeks thing was complete and utter bullshit. Last time the bitch ever crosses our threshold without a scar or two.

It makes me wonder, seriously, is she just fucking crazy, I mean she seems normal enough, besides the nose stud (ewww, but as far as I know it's not a cursor pertaining to  mental deficiency....usually) OR she's a sick twisted fuck who enjoys crushing people for their own amusement, if so, I've never met someone so incredibly evil in all my days. Haven't been so gutted in ages.

On other news...potentially more disturbing...I gave my sisters phone to my vid store guy to chuck on some songs and shiz. I come back 20 minutes later and he's like, "Oh btw, I hope you don't mind but I copied some pictures of your family at the zoo"....................after a long pause I ask why and it's like one of those answers that answer the question but don't really answer it at the same time, something like " Oh I wanted to umm...I hope you don't mind." Well there really isn't anything you can say to that -.- I mean I can't just go, NO! YOU PERVERTED SICK FUCK, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU! OF COURSE YOU CAN'T JUST HAVE RANDOM PHOTOS OF MY FUCKING FAMILY SITTING AROUND ON YOUR COMPUTER! So instead I'm like oh um...yeah that's cool, as long as the girls are wearing scarves and shit...what a sick demented little fuck.

Never have I had a more fucked up 24 hours in all my 200 or so days in Yemen. I swear there's something in the air here driving everyone to insanity, no fucking wonder there's so many people getting stabbed by random homeless people, sheeeeet!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Overdue blog = brain sludge + Vid Guy

And iiiiiiiiiiiii'm back :)

Ok i'm back off of what ever, hiatus, don't care.

First things first, I know I promised to show you guys a photo of my favourite (yes, crossed out, maybe I'll mention it later) video store guy, and I know ya'll are just dyyyyyyyyyyyying, for those of you who don't have my fb *drumroll*

I honestly don't know whats in the glass, it was damn good though.
Ok that's done, not what you were expecting? Well in his defence he doesn't do any drugs besides...I forget what he calls it but I'm damn sure it's poppy or opium or whatever its called in its plant form and he speaks better English then some people I know *cough*.

Now the last few weeks I've discovered tumblr. Yeah Ok I know what I said and I SORT OF stand by what I first it was really good but then I started to follow some other blogs and bam I was totally out of it, just browsing other blogs and I never really got around to working on my own. So tumblr, awesome..for browsing but REALLY distracting so I've decided to keep this up for my own blog and use the other for photos (shit loads..seriously) and inspiration.

Not much has happened since I've last blogged. I've been on break from school and I have another 4-5 days before I'm back :( Yep, shitty old school..and I really don't have the motivation anymore, I'm starting to fall back into my old ways...worse in some but I'm not going to get into that right now.

This just a quick 5 minute post just to let you all know the going is good and there should be more blog posts up more frequently :)


Thursday, September 9, 2010


Ok ok, I know I said I swapped over to tumblr but it's so damn distracting, I never get around to writing any actual content so I've decided to stick with both. Yeah I can hear you cheering behind your computer screens, just don't expect anything for the next, say....2 days. But soon so cheer up fuckers :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.

yes,but why is all the rum gone?

Anywho guys, my blog has officially moved over to the dark side, tumblr! Gosh it really is like the facebook of the blogging world..guess what blogspot is?! Yep, Myspace, why settle for less when you can get the best. Ok that may have been the coolest thing I've said in a while :D

Anyway if you want to keep reading, you can find me on

It was a good run on this thing...but not good enough to keep me around.

Shout out to Nida, my biggest fan <3 sorry mate. Come join me!