Thursday, July 29, 2010

F-F-First post

Hey hey, welcome welcome to my new blog!

Blog smog yeah? I agree, most blogs suck these days, but i'm determined to be diffrent!

I'm going to start off by filling out one of those random question things, always good fun.

Write Ten Things People May Not Know About You

1. Hate babies with a passion, kids are OK though
2. Salax is the Somali spelling of salah and is meant to be pronounced like the latter
3. I like to pretend i'm a robot sometimes
4. Born in Sweden
5. I get nauseated by Weet-Bix
6. Totally love the emo look on girls
7. Did marial arts
8. Can read and write really well in Arabic, but my speaking skills are ME-DIE-OCRE
9. Named after a friend of my rents who died in the Somali civil war as a soldier
10. Total wuss when it comes to horror movies

50 Things

Sleep with or without clothes on? just a pair of shorts
Prefer black or blue pens? Blue
Dress up on Halloween? Afro ninja, swords and all
Like to travel? I travel nearly every year
Like Someone? just one or two
Do they know? one of them does
Who sleeps with you every night? my super cuddly extra pillow (helps me sleep)
Think you're attractive? hmm sometimes
Want to get married? heaps
To: Someone fun and amazing who can keep things intresting.
Are you a good student? no way, sooo lazy
Are you currently happy? hmm not really, don't like being away from home for long periods
Have you ever cheated?? Been cheated on? No
Birthplace? Gothenburg, Sweden
Christmas or Halloween? Halloween for sure
Colored or black-and-white photo? coloured
Do long distance relationships work? no, totally don't like the idea
Do you believe in astrology? always fun to read but no
Do you believe in love at first sight? well kinda not really
Do you consider yourself the life of the party? nah, but I do keep things intresting
Do you drink? no I do not.
Do you make fun of people? only my close friends, the assholes
Do you think dreams eventually come true? If you fight for them, yes
Favorite fictional character? Sam Uley and Durzo Blint
Go to the movies or rent? renting, so long as I got plenty of food
Have you ever moved? ugh, too many times
Have you ever stolen anything? depends, I don't steal steal but I do borrow things without permission sometimes, only if I know they'll get over it
How's the weather right now? hot but light drizzle
Last time you cut your hair? 3 weeks ago, buzz cut
Last person you talked to on the phone? My dad this morning.
Last time you showered? last night
Loud or soft music? mostly loud, but from a distance
Mcdonalds or Burger King? maccas
Night or day? night is when all the good shit happens
Number of pillows? 2, got a small bed :(
Piano or guitar? I wish I could play the piano
Future job? Dr. Salax has a nice ring to it
Current job? pack mule
Current love? mint choc chip milkshakes and 3oh!3
Current longing? HOME!
Current disappointment? Giving my bank card to my mum, there goes 4 grand -.-
Current annoyance? yemen electricity
Last thing you ate? that was yesterday, 2 shawarmas (mini kebab type things)
Last thing you bought? mountain DEW
Most recent thing you are looking forward to? starting uni
What are you hearing right now? A motor pumping water into a houses water tank!
Plans for the weekend? Gonna be shooting hoops and err sinking 8 balls?
What did you do today? internet cafe and nothing so far

Pick a lyric, any lyric or song?
T-T-touching on my, while I'm touching on your...(touching on my-3oh!3)

Pick a movie quote? Doc, none of us could remember anything from last night. Remember?
(The Hangover)

Aiight dudes, thats it for the first post, i'll just jump straight in next post, so stay tuned.


  1. I like. Nice job for a first blog ... Cant wait to read more ahmed :)

  2. i really like the way u started ur 1st blog an i agree, blogs are not what they use to be. :) keep going, cant wait to read the next post.

  3. lool i liked it...for a first post it was very different!!
    its original...jst so u!!
