Friday, July 30, 2010

It's like tobacco, only green!

I wish life was that simple

So...some good and bad news folks. Good news is I can get back whenever I please (given it's around the dec/jan mark), the only condition is that I lay off the movies and get into study mode with my quran/arabic studies...oh and I have to cut back on the net too. Which leads to the bad news...I can only use the net on FRIDAYS, shoot me in the head whydontcha.

Back to rambling then...

I really want to try some damn Qat, sure it looks disgusting (to your right) but I hear it lifts your mood, calms you down, helps you concentrate among other things. Looks fun too, they have these whatchamacallits that you sit around in and socialize for about 6 hours straight, sounds like my type of gig. But like all new things, I don't like doing it alone. Any volunteers?

No basketball for you!

Well suprise suprise, who would of guessed, after weeks of anticipation, hundreds of let downs that THIS time would be any diffrent...bugger me. You can't rely on anyone these days, they make you a promise and they don't keep it.

Oh, I haven't told you guys about my favourite video store guy, I did sorta mention him in my last post but he's a pretty cool dude, sure he says and does some pretty crazy shit but that's why I like him, here's a few random things he's said to me:

1. MOST Yemeni males are gay, sure a lot of us enjoy the whole "straight" concept but we have needs and Yemeni women aren't meeting our requirments. We would LOVE to get married but these days it costs upwards of 5 grand and there's no way we can afford that shit. What other options do we have but to fuck other guys?

2. OH DAAAAAMN! Look at that ass! WOOOOWEEE! Now that is NICE! *I look...and it's a fully clad yemeni woman, niqab and all -.- something a lil like this >>>*

3. There was a blind girl, She was twenty-five years old and longing for a husband; but whenever she brought the subject up with her father he'd say, "My daughter, you are blind. No one wants you. But don't worry , you'll find a husband in Paradise." Well, one day she was up on the roof hanging out the washing when she tripped and fell six stories. By chance she fell into a cart carrying bananas and was knocked unconscious. The cart drove on. Ten minutes later she came to...Ah, she thought, I am dead. Then, as she felt the bananas, she remembered what her father had told her and gave a little shriek:"Slowly, slowly, men of Paradise! Please, take your turn!"

Well that's it for today, next post will be up on Friday, maybe sooner if I manage to sneak out of boarding school! In the words of my favourite Asian dude off of "The Hangover"...TOODALOO MOTHERFUCKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS


  1. probably the best post you've got so far.

  2. lol. nice one. that guy you hang out with is kinda loco though. i guess everyone needs some eccentricity in their life, non? let the posting prosper!

  3. hahah i'm gonna post a pic of him soon
