Sunday, August 1, 2010


But my dreams are vivid.

 rambling is what I do best:

So..i've been pretty upset at the latest revelation from my government owned boarding school, apparently I can't leave until I finish the entire quran or else my old quran teacher gets his ass arrested...Hence, terrible mood yesterday since I can't really go anywhere else. I've talked to my rents about it and if I can finish 1/3 to 1/2 by the end of the year then we're going to stick with our original plans and be back by January. We're going to pretend I got my Leg crushed in some freak motorbike accident and need emergency reconstructive surgery back in Aus. I love my mother.

Anyways, I haven't told you guys about my favourite uncle, with a slight tendency to be slightly insane. Got your attention? good. He's been eating Qat (like tobacco only green!) for bout 30 years now, he's reached the point where it starts to affect his brain about 5 years ago when I was in Somalia. Now he's one crazy motherfucker, we had to chain his ass to the garage, poor guy. Here's some random shit he's done:

1. Pee in the water tank. (The apartment building we lived in back in Taiz had one big water tank that all the residents share)
2. Beat up little kids repeatedly (pretty much all the time)
3. Oh, one time he was worse then usual, we had to lock him in his room coz he was scaring the shit out of the little ones because he said he was seeing Jins (or evil spirits or w/e) and that he had 2 of them as wives -.-

That's a nice shirt. Can I talk you out of it?

Anyway, wish me luck in coming back asap. That's all for now.


  1. hahahahaha i luv ur mum too!! ur uncle sounds really can he b ur 'favourite' uncle??

    crazy all thanx 2 Qat and u wanna try it??

  2. ya man, he's my fave coz he's the most entertaining.

    Curiosity killed the cat.

  3. lol. your uncle sure is.... psychotically.... entertaining. and yeah you sure are "updating every friday". XD haha, this may or may not be some premature form of bloggerdiction. :D

  4. nah, i'm starting school today. I'll be back on thursday and friday, maybe 2 more posts then
