Friday, August 27, 2010

Oh hi! I'm a Yemeni! And I have a tiny penis!

Ok this post was supposed to be a happy one telling you about my awesome mood and my above average night...and some motherfucker goes and fucking ruins it! FUCK! I'm fucking disgusted as shit, i'm close to tears I swear, I want to punch this fucker in the face for ruining my fucking high. SHIT! motherfucker! Ok Ahmed...relax..breathe...UGH! I can't stop clenching my jaw, fuck this shit!

Ok ok...I'll tell you what happened. Well I sat down at this computer, and then this..."person" if you can call the motherfucker that sat down on the computer to my right. Here you can see pretty easily what everyone else is doing on the comp, so I notice he's watching something...I look closer and it's porn..I got over it, to each their own, what ever, I get it. But in a public place? hmmm not so cool but I chose to forget about it. After a while I notice he's doing something with his hand, I look and you will not believe what I's like one of those moments you see something so absolutely implausible you just sit there and go "no.." even though it's so blatantly obvious that what you're seeing is what it is. And you probably guessed by now, yep...he was masturbating....I was in shock for maybe a full minute, just sitting there staring at his hand on his penis. Wow....just wow. And then just pure rage, bang just like that I want to rip off his penis and beat him to death with it, all 6 cm of it. WHO THE FUCK JERKS OFF IN A FUCKING PUBLIC PLACE! WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT! AAAAAAAAAARGH! And then you know what he fucking does after a few minutes? He gets out a tissue, and I'm like whats that for in my head...and then...yeah. I almost snapped then. I wanted to get up and beat his fucking head against the table and then shove my can of mountain dew down his throat...but that would be a waste of Dew so I didn't. Soon as he's done he gets up and walks out. Most fucking enraging 5 minutes of my time in Yemen. I still can't believe that happened...This is going to haunt me for a long loooooooooong time.

Maaaaan! And I really wanted a nice happy, mellow post :( Maybe tommorow when I've calmed down a tad. I'm out for now, catchaz


  1. ahmed thats some disguting shit just watch your back lol.

  2. ROFL!!!!!!! dude this is damn funny!! i woulda just LAUGHED MY HEAD OFF and move the crap away incase i get hit with a RICORRSHAYY!! aahahAHAHAHahahahHAhaa i don't think u should be angry but just get the piss away ASAP!

  3. good to know arabs are in league with azns rofl, only got niggaz to worry bout now ;D
