Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Christmas dinner with Moses

hey hey!

Right...yeah well I got the next 15 days of Ramadan + 10 days for Eid off :) So that kind of helps with my good mood thing.

Anyway, i've had a lot of time to think lately...too much actually. And yeah it's me so I always come up with some fucked up shit. Top thoughts of the week:

1. Most annoying word in the Australian vocab. "Rumpus" as in rumpus room. What the shit, can you get any more annoying? Is rumpus even a real word?! Maybe some guy with a heavy British accent said to his Aussie mate, " Mate, I'm getting a RHOMBUS games room built into my house",to which the Aussie dude replied, "RUMPUS, got it!" and thus spread the word since Aussies seem to have a love for all things British -.-

2. If you were having sex with a deaf girl...could you call your mates while shes not looking? "Mate, guess what I'm doing, listen!"

3. *standing on top of a 3 story building* I can survive that...fuck me if I ever take anything to alter my better judgment, I'd jump this shit for sure. Note to self, never stand more then 5 metres off the ground with anything more then sugar rush.

Yeah that's the ones I remember, I never remember to write down those amazingly detailed daydreams I have, oh the variety, everything from the awkward Christmas dinner with Moses to a fight between Bert and Ernie.

Oh I have another poem for y'all :) Lil steamy and not my usual style but heck, I liked it so its all good!

Your perfectly delicious white flesh
can send brainwaves into a mesh
your subtle sweetness nothing can compare
or your irresistible smoothness there is no pair.
I have you night and day,
stroke your side as you lay.
You are always incredibly satisfying
That you are the sex..there is no denying
I've heard that you've left lesser men crying.
I want to fold back your skin
and commit an evil sin
by eating you out till you're noting more than skin
If that leaves me without you and alone
so be it!
I'll just go replace you with a better fit
from the corner store
you banana whore!

Gotcha hahahaha. Ok I admit, the ending wasn't as top notched as I wanted but that was the best I could come up with!

OH THE JOY! After complaining for months about how poor I am I FINALLY get some money, in the form of Eid/clothing money...clothes in Yemen...yeah. I have no idea what I'm gonna do there, I'm thinking of pulling an Ahmed on some Yemeni style clothing, black juba (dress type thing), black jacket, black head wrap thing hahaha yep, classic Ahmed. Might even chuck in some eyeliner for effect, expect some pictures! Unless you all have some better ideas? leave a comment!! Also, I receive $299 in m damn tax return, oh how I would go to town with that sorta money! I can see it now! Sheesha, Qat, prostitutes (not really) and fast cars (more like taxis -.-) It's going to be a GREAT Eid!

On other news, my mum sent some stuff over with some Aussie lady who was headed to Yemen. My brother and cousin both got phones...I got a packet of Tim-Tams. Not a bad trade off actually. The lady also brought over a bit of news, she told the kids thaaat my mum would be heading back a few days after Eid, so a couple of weeks, and the kids would be going back with her almost straight away depending on how much progress they've made learning the quran. OUT WITH THE WHIPS! It's good for me because the main reason my mum wanted me to stay back until July was because she wanted the kids and me to go back together but she wanted them to learn a bit more first..if she deems them ready, I'm heading back SOON :) Oh the joy, but until then, i'll be working these kids like dogs! MUAHAHAHAHA

Aiight that's it for now, stay tuned folks Leave a comment!


  1. I have to say, the end of that poem really made me go "what the........." and crack up laughing.
    But still awesome poem.

    Annnnd your no.2.....even if she is deaf, i'm sure it wouldn't be hard to see you talking on the phone while your on top of her....or on bottom....whichever it was happening to be hahaha. Unless....sideway?
    And that is crossing the line. Will leave it at that.

    Really funny posts.

  2. hahah yeah, i wrote a poem about a banana and then it sounded kinda dirty..so I did some editing hahah.

    i mean say mebe doggy style...or on her stomach...it could work

  3. omg hahaha u really got me with tht poem *blushes*
    i love ur posts, keep it up!

  4. Could be on your list of "things try out before i die"....and then post up its success rate hahaha.

  5. OH SHIT! great idea! things to do before i die :D hahaha expect it up by tommorow
