Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Ideal Girl

I'm only gonna break break your heart

Hey guys, as promised 20th post shall be *drumroll* My ideal girl. Mhm, a coveted piece of information right there.

Now to start off I just want you to know that my life shall forever be a disappointment, I have insane expectations for my "ideal girl" and I never expect anyone to fulfil them 100% Ergo, i shall never be happy in life and shall jump from girl to girl till I find someone at at least 90% Sometimes you have to settle for less :( So take the picture as a warning.

Well first impressions is as good a place as any to start off. First impressions for me are a major deciding factor. And if you fucked up the first time, chances are you blew it for life. Some people i've met in my life have pulled off the most incredible first impressions, I swear it's like love at first sight...at first sight alright, after I usually find some flaw like a third nipple or something. But one thing I really enjoy is not talking to someone for years and giving them a second first impression, some people really do change, sometimes for better :)

We all know that looks is a major deciding factor, yeah what ever keep denying it, consciously or not that's the MAIN marker when you see someone of the opposite sex. You can't have a meaningful relationship if you don't find the other person physically attractive. So obviously I have....ok I don't like how I'm writing this and I really can't be bothered re-writing so i shall just add it on. My new idea is to write a list of things, with some notes on each point. Get It? Got it? GOOD

Da Physical:

1. In terms of ethnicity, I honestly couldn't care less but if I had to choose ONE to top the list it'd def be mixed races, nothing hotter then a EskiCan (Eskimo+Mexican)..well not really but you get the point. African girls are probably what you'd all be most expecting but you know what, I think I might have a slight bias against them, it's just the way I've been raised, my parents expect a Somali girl so knowing me, I have to FIGHT back! (H) Sides that, I really couldn't care less, sure every race has their perks but it's all pretty much evened out :)

2. Hair, mmm that's a good one, hairs a pretty big thing for me. It depends on the girl but in general terms I seem to be attracted to medium length hair or just "reasonably" short. As for the hair colour staples, brunettes for sure. But i'd rather someone with non-staple hair colour, always hot, or at least someone who mixes it up every once in a while :)

3. Eyes, generally I'm attracted to girls with grey, green and light brown eyes.If you have some freaky shit going on like multicoloured eyes (diffrent colour for each eye) or just enjoy wearing contacts on occasion then you're guaranteed to have my approval. And there's nothing hotter then an ethnic girl with coloured eyes *drools*

4. Has to be physically fit, into sports and such. I need someone in my life I can do physical stuff with like running on a cold morning or shooting some hoops. There's nothing sadder then a girl with no coordination.

5. Physically fit doesn't mean she has to be "skinny", a healthy weight is good, skinny girls are just a turn off -.-

5. Piercings, omgaaash, I almost forgot this one. I'm a sucker for a girl with any kind of peircing minus nose and earlobe..nose just looks hoish and kinda hindi to me..and earlobeee.....yeah. My favourites are tounge, lip, that spot just under the bottom lip and upper ear parts.

I'm kind of running out of stuff right now :/ I'm sure it'll come back to me later. But it's always the little things that get me though. Every girl is unique in her own way, just just keep things fresh and you just might catch my eye :)

Da-Da Personality/Style:

1. I'm a sucker for the "bad girl" persona, utterly and truly. By bad girl I mean that in the literal sense, not your typical "good" girl. Does stuff that some people may consider illegal or imorral..just generally a bad influence, they're the best types of girls. Want an example? 13 from House can work it like no other. The bi-sexuality thing is intresting, I mean I wouldn't want a threesome or anything but I find it attractive somehow. Also I don't like the "smoking" thing but I kind of like the hint of the aftertaste, kinda hot. OH btw, theres a diffrent between "bad" and slutty.

my baby <3

2. I absolutely HATE SHY GIRLS WITH A PASSION. End of story.

3. You know the bad girl thing pretty much summed it up hahah, confident, not shy etc. etc. Sides that don't really care if she's funny, caring, compassionate etc. that's just a random grouping of words that hold no meaning in real life.

4. Some guys hate the girls making the first move :/ I don't get it, I kind of like it. It shows that they're confident in themselves, def. a good thing!

Ok thats it :) This wasn't as detailed as I was hoping but it does provide a general overview I guess :) So why don't you all leave a comment and tell me what you think...and maybe some numbers ;) hahah

NOTE: All above notes on my "ideal" girl are strictly bendable. So don't think you're not good enough for me, chances are you are, give it a shot ;) hahah but again, refer to the first picture.

Olivia Wilde <3


  1. hahahahaha inspired me to make my own. gals with tongue rings are so hott <3

  2. hahaha lol if i were a lezzo i'd do her so u have good taste. and btw ed you totally seem like you're kinda up urself...might be a good thing...suggests 1 to many girls have thrown themselves at you ?....;)
    p.s take tht foto down, rips off ur street cred.

  3. @ rabz, i look forward to it. I know hey! It makes me shiver.

    @ samira, "if" hahah sure sure. Mmmm i'm only up myself sometimes. ahahha no comment to that :D
    omgosh, i can't find any other good pics

  4. meximo or eskican? there is a difference

  5. ROFL!!! this is some funny ass shit~
    yeah DONT expect too much!
    expect less and everything else is a bonus~
    it works soo MUCHH better 'trust me'
    bad girls can make mistakes taht break yah balls
    AHahahaha u can learn the hard way :P

  6. omg ed lol im not samira wtf, the whole point of me commenting as anonymous is because i am annoymous lol but i can tell u one fact im NOT samira
    yours truly,

  7. well anonymous, Samira did rip my photo, and you do sound like her, so nerrr.

    Thanks Rhino man, I think I will learn the hard way...while i'm having more fun

  8. hahahahahahaha @ the person who made the comment about how she thinks girls throw themselves at you. i cant stop laughing!!! so cocky ahmed, look in the mirror man....N shit step back and be like " thnk god girls even talk to me".your in absolutely no position 2 be calling any shots when it comes to women....not aslong as you look like you......
