Friday, August 6, 2010

Poor bastard:
I was walking down the road the other day, and I was walking past this butcher shop. They got these little cage things out front where they keep all the goats and stuff. I noticed this little black goat, all by himself with a terrified look in it's eyes, it's been sitting there all morning, watching it's friends get hacked to bits, poor bastard. And to make things worse, he looks up at me with his teriffied goat eyes and gave out this weak little "baah", poor guy. So my inherited genes (from my dads side) to be annoying and mischievous kicked in, so I went up to him and whispered "you're next", I swear it's as if he understood, he gave another, louder "baah", so I looked him in the eye, and looked at the butcher and asked "how much".

anyway, school is going ok, kinda boring, but kinda ok. I still have to get up at 3 a.m and eat beans but I never mentioned one other thing that REALLY annoys the "shit" out of me...check out the image. I HATE squating, sure it's good for my leg muscles, but it's terribly uncomfortable. Plus the whole no flush thing is disgusting. These types of toilets are ok in asian countries, coz asians are some meticulous people, they keep "shit" clean (hehehe) but Yemeni's are a whole diffrent thing. They clean their toilets once or twice a year, and all that brown stuff around the ceramic and on the floor is mighty questionable.

Well I WAS going to upload a picture of my favourite video store guy but circumstances have denied me the opportunity so instead I'll give you guys a looksy next post :) Instead I'll leave a nice little poem titled "So much better then the whole serious slit your wrists bullshit"

You are the brightest of all my desires
and the darkest of all my fears
you're like a heroin addiction that I need to feed
even if I refuse to listen to what my head heeds.
I'm affraid to shed a tear
in case you don't understand how I feel
for that's exactly what initiates my fear
and that a broken heart is difficult to heal

And if that makes me a coward
then so be it
I shall never move forward
for I have nothing else to live toward
so I would end my life with this here household cleaning kit
and feel my heart have a retarted pumping fit
I'd say, goodbye my love,good bye my friend
This is truly the end
As I fall to the ground, my head would take a massive hit
and i'd take my dying breath, as I leaked my last massive shit.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha... loser... i was like "oh its a nice romantic poem" and then i get to the end. =.= and whats wrong with posting a picture of him... you can just black-box his eyes or something if that makes him feel the slightest security to being on your blog lol. you know, identity protection. :D
