Thursday, August 12, 2010

Late Night Scrawlings Of A Web Addict


It's a late night here, It's my day off so I decided to be a bad boy and go out :) Sides, rents are in Aus, what's the worst that could happen sides getting detained by racist cops and being tortured and forced to reveal the whereabouts of the bomb I planted -.- I have an active imagination sometimes. Anyway, it's a fairly interesting night, I'm considering selling my self as a prostitute to lonely, rich widows who need comforting at night for lack of something better to do, plus I need the money, my heroine stash is getting mighty low. Yep. I can read your mind. And the answer is Yes...I have lost my mind. I lose my mind often...whenever I wanna get LOOSE. *yawn* I get odd when it's late. Get use to it, you'll probably enjoy it more.

Anyway, I just finished watching an AWESOME movie called "Youth In Revolt" starring Michael Cera. Now then, it's pretty much a summer romance type story, the guy is the shy nerdy type and the girl is the hot EVIL kind :D At the end of the summer/holiday he has to move away so the girl plants an evil plot to get his divorced father to get a job in her town and for him to get kicked out of his mothers house by "being a bad boy" ohhh the treachery of women. I love it. He ends up getting his ass arrested but it was well worth the fun along the way. Great movie. One scene where he's trying to get into her bed after he sneaks into her boarding school, my GOODNESS, even I was in shock..Oh I forgot to mention he develops an alter ego that does all the bad stuff so yeah the alter ego starts sweet talking her and my oh my, even I was blushing, here's how it went:

Nick: Umm the floor's cold, do you think I could cuddle next to you?
Sheeni: The whole night?
Nick: yeah
Sheeni: Yeah, I guess it'd be ok.
Nicks alter ego François: Or we could do more then just cuddle
Sheeni: Nick!
François: Ooh I love when you say my name (in a seductive voice). Why don't you pull down those blankets and show me what you're hiding under there.
Sheeni: Is that what you want me to do?
Nick (to François): say yes (in a pleading tone)
François: That is exactly what I want you to do. And then I want to tickle your belly button...from the inside (takes drag from cigarette)
Sheeni: Nick you're being so bad!
François: Not half as bad as the nasty things I want to do to you right now with my tounge. I'm gonna wrap your legs around my head and wear you like the crown that you are.
Nick: If that's ok with you...

Man oh man, now THAT was pretty smooth. Oh btw nothing happens haha the french principal/nanny type thing busts in. But it was still a sweet lead up. I've added a link to the trailer at the end. Def. worth checking out.

For those of you who have not noticed...I have de-activated my fb. I know, I know, you bitches be missing me. Tough luck mate. As for reasons for de-activating...I have compiled a list below:

1. I'm sick of all you bitches telling about how you had a cheeseburger, or you're damn toaster broke or you went to go pee or you took a damn breath. Get over yourself faggot maggot.

2. There wasn't really a number 2.

3. I wanted to see if I could actually last a month without facebook. It's been hard. I open firefox (explorer is for wimps and momma's boys) and my fingers already type in and i'm staring at the damn log in page. I'm proud to say i've lasted 4-5 days....just another 25-26 biggy :S

HMMM, what else is up..not much besides the fact that i'm developing a damn blogging addiction! At first it was like oooh blogging i'll try that! And then it was like...but I have nothing to write about...and now it's just like, DUDE! Shut up! Nobody cares about your damn squatting issues! So yeah let me know if I should cut back down on my ranting and what not. And then i'll probably tell you to go stick yourself in the ass with a can of second class pepsi, since you're not good enough for the good shit (anything from the coke company really).

That's it for tonight, I'll probz squeeze in one more post in the next 24 hours or so. Stay tuned folks.
and write a damn comment or some shit you lazy fuckers.
link to see the "youth in revolt" trailer. Ce'st magnifique non?


  1. Whoa hoe hoe. Now that's a smoothie! I like. I want to watch this movie!

  2. i love ur ranting, great way to end the day ;) (for me i mean) btw movie looks awesome!!
