Saturday, August 28, 2010

Ma-ma-ma night yo

Yo yo, so I ended having 2 half decent nights in a row (minus the jerking issue of last night). So I shall tell you about it :)

Last night: Well not really that intresting but I enjoyed it hey. Just walking around my neighbourhood in search of the sixth season of my favourite tv! So I mostly walked for about 2 hours peeking in stores and asking around, and finally success! I found the COMPLETE sixth season at some random store, the only thing is they wanted me to come back the next day for it, thats perfectly fine considering how much it cost..1000 rials :D:D:D:D Which is roughly $5. I love Yemen for that. So as I was walking around I had like 4 mountain dews and as you know I get high as shit of that stuff, so I'm walking around singing Lily Allen songs:

Oh, he treats me with respect, he says he loves me all the time
He calls me fifteen times a day, he likes to make sure that I'm fine
You know I've never met a man who's made me feel quite so secure
He's not like all them other boys, they're all so dumb and immature

There's just one thing that's getting in the way
When we go up to bed, you're just no good, it's such a shame
I look into your eyes, I want to get to know you
And then you make this noise and it's apparent it's all over

It's not fair and I think you're really mean
I think you're really mean, I think you're really mean
Oh, you're suppose to care
But you never make me scream, you never make me scream

Great stuff! I absolutely adore Lily Allen <3

Tonight: I wasn't really planning anything special tonight so I only took like 5000 rials with me which is like $25. I was planning to go pick up my House DVD's and then maybe walk around and get a drink. So after I picked up my DVD's I ducked into a small internet cafe to check what movies they had in there, and of all things they had Step Up 3D! Just that alone would of made my entire week. It was in really good quality too except it wasn't centred so the top was chopped off, but honestly I'd rather that then some really shitty quality version. I'll go back some other time to watch it :) After that I decided to go check out Tahreer square (some random square for street shopping), so I hopped on a bus...the fact that it was empty should of told me something but knowing stupid old me I hopped on anyway...took me about half way and then he changes his damn destination so I had to get off in the middle of bloody nowhere. I walked around aimlessly for about 30 minutes. I found a really cool bookstore with heaps of classic books by Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Bronte, Dickens etc. Didn't buy any but its good for future reference. I DID buy a really awesome dictionary though, English-Arabic + Arabic-English, illustrations and everything and not 5 Kg either for a fantastically low price of 700 rials :) Not even $5 After that I walked around, bought a shawl and then took a motorbike back home. I absolutely love travelling by motorbike, it's hard to describe the feeling but just the cold night wind in your face, the speed, the fast turns, weeving through traffic at crazy speeds, barely dodging cars, the adrenaline rush is fantastic, adore it...but the thing is you have to choose your motorbike carefully here. I have developed a list of a few things to look out for:

1. If you see the bike in motion, check out how fast he's driving, if he zooms past and it takes him 200 m to stop for you...don't hop on nigga, he's a crazy fucker and will probably get your ass turned into roadkill. Decent speeds only!

2. Listen to the sound of the engine and check out the condition of the bike. If it sounds more like a car then a bike...yeah not a good idea. You never know, engine could blow up at any moment. Choose one with a nice mellow sounding engine. Also the condition that some of these bikes are in -.- WOW hahaha my favourite one was the one held together by sticky tape. You think I'm kidding? nope. Literally held together by sticky tape, mirrors, the gauges and everything all held by sticky tape, there was more sticky tape then metal on the damn thing.

3. Always check out the actual driver mayn, that's the main thing hey. Age range is around 10-90. Yep. Obviously, don't pick a kid...because duh! they're kids, they can barely put their hands around the handle bars -.- Don't pick any young 18-25 looking guy, they're the most fucking crazy ass motherfuckers out there, the WORST one I picked looked around 18, that was a seriously scary experience, as soon as I hop on and he takes off I almost fall off the damn thing, going like 80 km/h on a bloody tiny road, 300 m down the road a car pulls up in front out of nowhere and he does a full tyre squeeling, back tyre swinging everywhere stop. DAYUM, is all I have to say, that was fucking fun! But scary as hell, not worth trying..anyway I survived an I learnt from my experience :)

I really have to learn how to ride a damn motorbike, you can rent them here for like $10 a day, heck fun.

That was it for my far :) I'm going to go home soon and pull an all nighter with my HOUSE DVD'S! hahha gonna be FUN!

OH OH OH! I almost forgot! I found the most fucking incredible coffee place! I've seen it before but it was closed and I could never find my way back :/ It was one of those tiny cube type coffee shops on the side of the road, first decent one I've found in yemen, and they made REAL FUCKING COFFEE, not of that crappy stove boiled shit they sell around here. I had a latte :) Kinda pricy but hell worth it. I'm going to start going there much much more often.

So that's if for real this time. Cyaz laduh

my baby <3

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