Friday, August 13, 2010

10 posts! I'm on a roll

Well what do you know, this is my 10th post! So I thought i'd change the tone a little into something more serious. My dreams and aspirations. I want to be able to look back on this one day and say, well shit dude, you did well in life. So I shall compile a short list.

1. Right now, I haven't wanted anything so bad. I want to become a doctor. Yeah I know, this ones kinda common but not just those boring office type GP's who give kids lollies and check out people for herpes. I want to be amazing, I want to be great, I want to be inspiring. I've played around with the thought of what kinda doctor would be most fun and I've decided that my dream job would be a "Trauma Surgeon" or just a trauma doc. No thanks to Dr. Hunt btw (Grey's anatomy ref.). I reckon that would be my kind of calling, no formal hours, no "typical" day, you never know what to expect. On top of that I want to spend say maybe 3-4 years with a foundation like Médecins Sans Frontières. Ever since I met this incredible french guy who sat next to me on my flight back from Yemen last year, he worked for them for like 7 years, just the way he described it! Travelling all over the world, giving aid to victims of war and natural disaster, travelling to places like Chad, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Liberia and the likes. It's really something. Another part of this is that I also want to become a teacher, that's been a big dream too. So if it all works out somehow I want to go work in a teaching hospital or something and just teach.

2. At some point in my life, I want to memorize the entire quran. I could do it now if I wanted to, I mean..i've already started and all but I left too much unfinished business behind like university and certain other details. I want to clear up 2 years and just head out and memorize it. There's so many benefits and I hope to one day achieve that.

3. I want to write a book, that's always been a long standing dream, I don't really care what type of book, novel, biography, poetry. ANYTHING! As for reasoning, I don't really have one. It's just one of those things that you want to do because you do. Can you blame me?

4. I want to be able to speak at LEAST 5 languages by the time i'm...say 30. So far i've got down Somali and English, another couple of months and i'll have Arabic down too. So that leaves two. I've always wanted to learn French and one Asian language, maybe Mandarin or Cantonese or Japanese or Indonesian.

5. I want to open either a school or a hospital/medical clinic at some point in my life. In some non-modern country. Doesn't matter if I work there or not, so long as it exists. As for reasoning, I like to see my accomplishments in the physical form.

6. I want to finish a mechanics course. I don't want to WORK as a mechanic, just have the knowledge to fix and build cars from scratch. I also want to build a car from scratch. That would be truly incredible. 

7. I want to work as a chef through uni and such, I've always loved cooking and it would be a great way to make money. 

Yeah that's it for now. There's others BUT these are the main ones :)
Like I said, I wish to be successful in my life, and thats how I think I'd be happy with life. I mean sure, some things might come up that I never dreamed of, but you just got to take it in your stride, keep your chin up, and walk tall.



  1. hahaha dude, heck! so many ambitions. just take it one at a time ay. ;D

  2. dream big or don't dream at all

  3. its safiah (H) i like your ambitions - and omg you should totally write a biography - i would totally buy it :)

  4. this is probably my favouritest post, mostly cause i want to do some of those things! (Y)


  5. on writing a book/poetry.. you are already writing so you're already fulfilling your dream :) however if you do intend to write a novel, go ahead and do it and don't worry about sounding stupid. all the best buddy :)

  6. who wouldve thought !!
