Thursday, August 12, 2010

*Snoop Dog voice* Hello boys and girls!

Hello children! How are you all today? good, fantastic! Now shut up and read. *black dynamite face*

Dy-No-Mite, wicked as movie btw
Well it's that time of the year, you know what i'm talking 'bout baby. RAMMADHAN! So yeah, here we all are quitting the smokes, the music and all the bad habits and praying more often, ON TIME, and dusting off our Qurans. 'tis good in a way but bad in some, you know how we all become like super muslims for like ONE month and all, the purpose of this month was not temporary, it was to serve as motivation for THE ENTIRE YEAR. So give it a shot, be a super muslim a lil bit longer jah?

So what have I done? Well since i'm going to a boarding school for quran....there isn't that much diffrence, we still get up at 3 a.m and read quran all day long...BUT i'm trying to read the entire quran this month, sides that 'tis a fine month.

OH! Guess what I had to eat before fasting yesterday, EGGS! Fluffy, golden, delicious, scrambled, chicken fetuses! The way my face lit up when I saw that big bowl of eggs was like a kid in toys 'r' us with his daddies wallet. I've been living off of beans and rice for close to 2 months now and EGGS, I don't care how dodgy they looked was close to orgasmic. You should of seen everyone else! We eat in groups btw sharing one plate for each group, it was like a free for all, punches flying, kids screaming, blood everywhere, made it all the more worthwhile. But what we had to break our fast wasn't that great..just some dodgy ass plate of mixed COLD pasta and warm rice..oh and some yellow gloop like stuff on a plate that we ate with our fingers that kinda tasted like custard...who knows, thank god it was dark. Not that I'm complaining :) It's actually a very educational experience, I'm sorta enjoying my time here (shush! don't tell my rents or they'll make me stay longer!) and my Arabic has completely skyrocketed, I am now at the level where I can use sarcasm, it's always fun, no matter the language.

Sides that not much else is up hey, oh! except the weather, remember last post how I was bitchin'? Well it got worse. I went into the toilet to WASH MY HANDS and then i hear rain, and then i'm like well %^#* that. It gets louder...and then I hear thunder....and then the rain gets much too heavy to be rain, I look outside and the water level is past my ankles AND its hailing, not that weak ass shit Perth does once in a blue moon, I'm talking, cross the line fool and you've got a concussion kind of hail. Mind you, it was just a bit overcast when I walked in. Stuff this shit.

Sides that life is good. I shall keep ya'll updated in the goings of the hood.



  1. Haha. Nice to at least hear about some optimism about your days over there. And why on earth are you dieting on beans and rice for two whole months? -.-

  2. just a tad i guess :D that's what I get fed at school mayn. I have no option

  3. hell. can't get an outsider to smuggle in some non-bean, non-rice goodness for you? :(

  4. they got a little shop where they sell chips and such. But i'm incredibly broke at the mo. I had to beg my auntie for 300 rials which is like $1.50
