Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Can't think of anything clever or witty hahha too bad, you lose.

\Well i'm in a ranting mood today, so let's rant..Things that are pissing me off as of late..

1.ELECTRICTY: ZOMG! Seriously, I haven't been this annoyed since Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire came out. What the shit. The electricty goes out maybe twice a day on average for an hour or so...when i'm at home. But for some reason, when ever I sit on a friggin computer at an internet cafe it goes out like once every.friggin.20.minutes! And then they put the motor on, so the comp turns back on, the motor stutters after 10 minutes so it shuts down AGAIN, and then the electricity comes back so i start AGAIN and then the electricity falters and then I have to start AGAIN, and then the motor AGAIN and then the DAMNED ELECTRICITY! You can't blame me for going slightly insane, it really can drive a person nuts.

2. WEATHER: Not as annoying as electricity, but pretty damn close. Let's say...as annoying as the time youtube discovered Justin Beiber. Anyway, Sana'a iiiiis approx. 6000 ft. above sea level making it one of the highest cities in the world, coupled with the face that its wedged between a shit load of mountains, that does some freaky shit to the weather. I wake up in the morn, look out the window and it's a beautiful sunny day so I put on a tee and some loose pants, and then I walk downstairs, seriously, in the time it takes me to get down 3 flights of stairs + changing it turns into like a full thunder and hail type storm -.- It's pretty much like that everyday, so you have to wear like 2 extra layers JUST in case, gets mighty annoying.

hmmm yeah, that's it for the ranting.

OOH, i'm teaching an Indonesian friend of mine English, seriously the most fun i've had in aaaaaaaaages. I've managed to turn him into the most black asian ever, at first it was accidental, i was just messing around so I was like "whats up in the heezy my nigger" when I saw him, so he comes up to me later and says the same thing back to me, serious ROFL moment there, it's funnier coz he doesn't know what it means. So from then on, I only taught him slang, just for my amusement  It's fun seeing the faces on other English speaking people.

Anyway, Rammadhan is starting as of tommorow here in Yemen land! Time to get my fast on! So far i've de-activated fb for a while, i've decided to cut on the music...and yeah that's about it. Oh and I plan to read say..half the quran in the month, maybe more, depends on...everything :)
Well at least alll you fuckers will be getting up at 3 am now, but you still get to sleep after...bah.

note to self: cut back on the cussing.


hehe, twilight jizz FTW


  1. Hahaha. Manipulative as EVAR. Dear God, you never change mate. ;)

  2. hahahah thanks, it's more fun that way
