Monday, August 23, 2010

Hoes and Europe go together like Bert and Ernie

Just something thats been bugging me for ages...My parents are always giving me shit for not getting married young -.- I mean, everyone in somali and yemen and shit get married when they're like 15 and stuff, my dad was the exception, he got married at 24ish. They've been begging me to get married and i've thought about it...

Pros: I have a fear of ageing, I want to be YOUNG when I have my kids so I can do stuff like play basketball with my 20 year old son etc. Yeah I think that's the only pro I can think of right now...

Cons: People who get married young tend to have a higher chance of getting divorced. I have a fear that I will hate my wife after a certain time period and serve life in jail for smashing her head open with a frying pan. I want to sleep my way across Europe...can't do that with a wife and kids. I'm plannning to be in uni for quite a while...gonna be difficult paying for shit when all I can afford is a part time job :/

So I think the Cons win this round. It's settled, I shall not get married till i'm 45!....or 30.

yeah thats it for now.


  1. or maybe everything will workout for the best?
    lol lets just hope u can keep it in ur pants til ur 40 and not do zina ;)

  2. i think once you get to uni, your whole thought processes change. we all gotta go grow up... hope someone finds the fountain of youth soon! :D

  3. yeah, i think I might just change my mind if I find the right person...who knows :)
