Saturday, August 21, 2010

My shitty week revised

I'm not really in a blogging mood today but I had an irresistible urge to tell you how shitty my weeks been thus far:

1. Well not to beat around the bush but I have had my manhood violated. It's expected from an all boy's YEMENI boarding school but I never expected it to happen to me, probably the biggest mofo in the damn place. Sneaky buggers. Well I was in a crowd around the water fountain one night and as I was bending down to drink some water when some *i'm trying not to swear since i'm let your imagination roam free* GROPED me, I was split between punching randoms in the face or just screaming at the top of my lungs like a little girl. A deeply disturbing experience.

2. Well I was complaining about lack of sleep BEFORE Ramadan, well now it's just bloody ridiculous. We go to bed at ELEVEN pm and get up at 2:30-2:45 in the AM. Yeah that's bad enough, but when it's 4 am and you're trying not to fall asleep, that's when it gets tricky. Couple of days ago, i closed my eyes for 2 seconds and some *more swearing* kicks me, literally kicks me in the damn shin, *more swearing*. WOOW was I pissed off. YESTERDAY, I had my head down just thinking, not even remotely close to falling asleep when some *you can guess by now* grabs me by the ankles and pulls me for a couple of metres thinking I was asleep. I was wearing a skirt type thing (ma'was) and it like run up my legs and about half the damn mosque saw me knickers. I look up at the motherfucker (fuck it), and it's the IMAM of the mosque, and one of the owners of the school. Nigger if you weren't in a mosque I would DROP your ass.

Yeah the rest of the stuff is just bitching and moaning, mostly my mum not talking to me *slits wrists* and my whole family hating on me *jumps off cliffs*

sides that, life is merry and full of joy :)



  1. Snap! Seriously... you were G-R-O-P-E-D? oh man, that's nasteh! what a hell of a week... keep strong man aye, must be hard at that damn school but if i know you enough, you'll pull through! :)

  2. godd lol ur life seems so dramatic in yemen! enough to make a show of it. dont you get any spare time at all during ur days?

  3. @nida, yeah man, I was feeling so bitchy that day, i swore at a 5 year old, and he swore right back at me -.-

    @anonymous (how annoying). I spend all my spare time on the net :/
